Eliza (Ella) Parker, a small-town Australian girl, always dreamt of a life beyond the endless fields she grew up in. Determined to find something more, she bought a one-way ticket to London, leaving behind the familiar for the unknown. In her new small town across the world, a simple waitressing job brought Ella many friends and a sense of belonging. But she never expected to meet Kyra Cooney-Cross, a fellow Australian whose simple coffee order would spin her world around and bring her dreams to life. As their connection deepened, Ella discovered that love, while transformative, isn't always the perfect fairy tale. "Across the Ocean" is a heartwarming and tumultuous journey of self-discovery, love, and the pursuit of a dream that transcends borders.
A young physiotherapist from Australia, Peyton Ackley, moves to England to achieve her dream of changing Women's Sports. Where will this new life take her? Will it be everything she ever hoped for, and will she be the change she hopes to see in the world?