The name Nico Ashford is recorded within the Enchiridion as the Lich Slayer, a demon-hunting hero renowned throughout the land for his legendary feats and unwavering courage. Born to the Demon Queen and a human father, Nico inherited a unique blend of powers and a destiny shaped by both realms. Trained rigorously by his mother after the death of his father, he developed exceptional combat skills and a strategic mind. Over the centuries, he has wielded the fearsome Voidcleaver and the mystical Yamato's Wrath, cutting down foes and altering the course of history. His adventures have led him to form bonds with Marcelline, Simon, and Princess Bubblegum, and to slay formidable enemies like the Demon Emperor and The Lich. A master of both supernatural and mortal abilities, Nico's legend continues to grow as he navigates the intricate balance between his demonic heritage and his heroic destiny.
5 parts