In the year 2124, the Republic of Cebu stands as a beacon of technological innovation and progress, rivaling the likes of Singapore. Amidst its gleaming skyscrapers and lush parks, a young tech prodigy named Markos discovers an ancient artifact hidden beneath the ruins of a Spanish fort. This discovery sets him on a thrilling journey across the globe.The artifact, a mysterious device pulsing with otherworldly energy, reveals a holographic map marking several famous countries. As Markos deciphers its secrets with the help of his advanced AI assistant, PAI (Personal Artificial Intelligence), he learns of a hidden network of ancient technology scattered around the world, each piece holding the key to humanity's future.Markos embarks on an epic quest, traveling from the neon-lit alleys of Tokyo to the scorching deserts of Egypt, and the icy wilderness of Antarctica. Along the way, he forms alliances with brilliant hackers, archaeologists, and seasoned explorers, each bringing their unique skills to the mission.Together, they face formidable challenges, from infiltrating high-security archives and battling cyber-enhanced guards, to deciphering cryptic hieroglyphics and surviving treacherous landscapes. Their journey uncovers a star map pointing to an uncharted region of space, suggesting that humanity's destiny lies beyond Earth.
Psycho brothers and a little angel sister
sounds not so good together right?
so what happens when an sweet angel comes live
with her lovesick pyscho brothers
so join their journey......🥰
I am not very good at description, so please 🥺 give my story a try🙏