The story revolves around Sayuri Gojo, Satoru Gojo's sister who did not possess the Six Eyes. In fact, their eyes were nowhere similar. Despite this, Sayuri always hid her eyes because they worked in a way eerily reminiscent of her brother's. But she is interesting-really interesting. Why did Ryomen Sukuna himself find interest in her? Is she really the strongest sorcerer of her age? Is she stronger than her brother? What is her cursed technique? Who is Sayeri Gojo? ----------------------------- Btw, this is my AU so there with be some huge changes in the background of the Gojo clan, Zenin clan and Kamo clan. ------------------------------ Also, for you information this a Sukuna x character fic, and btw Sukuna is not a r@pist, dunno why people see him like that. And this story will not/hardly contain adult scenes.
37 parts