In the bustling streets of New Haven, Sofia Marino, daughter of a mafia boss, finds solace in her daily Starbucks visits to see Ethan Parker, a charming barista and son of a dedicated police officer. As summer ends, Sofia's father enrolls her at Yale, where Ethan also studies. Excited to be near him again, she doesn't realize their fates are intertwined. Ethan's father tasks him with uncovering a mafia child at Yale, never suspecting it's Sofia. "Bound by Shadows: Revealed by Fate" tells a gripping tale of love, secrets, and destiny, where true identities threaten to shatter their fragile bond.
Highest ranking: #16 in Clace
There are a lot of Fanfictions out there of TMI High school's. Clary being the ugly nerd and Jace the hot and popular guy. How do you feel about a role reverse?