Imagine every time you fall asleep, you fall deeply in love with this certain woman of your dreams. Just to wake up every time and realize it's just a dream once again. The next night and the next night and the next night, you fall asleep and you're deeply in love with this one woman. I mean yall have a family and everything in this dream life. Just to wake up AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN, to realize that this other life you're deeply obsessed with was just another dream. You wake up crying, even start creating problems in real life with your real woman and livelihood. That woman of yours in real life becomes confused to your recent actions out of frustrations. You going on with daily real life mad because you wish your dream was reality and that your actual reality was a dream. You know it's gets serious when you start taking sleeping pills all day just to go to sleep and get back to that woman of your dreams. Or is she really the woman of your nightmares? Suddenly, one night you go to sleep and shes not there anymore. You wake up and start seeing her in real life but she dont know you. Or do she?😳