In the arid landscapes of Rajasthan, amidst ancient palaces and vibrant culture, two families agree to an arranged marriage between their children. Meera, a spirited young woman with dreams of independence, is betrothed to Vikram, a successful businessman who is several years older. Initially resistant to the match, Meera finds herself drawn to Vikram's quiet strength and protective nature.
As they navigate their new life together, Vikram's possessiveness and occasional bouts of anger stemming from his insecurities about the age gap and societal expectations create tension. Meera, fiercely loyal yet determined to carve her own path, struggles to balance tradition with her desire for personal freedom.
Amidst the backdrop of traditional Rajasthani festivities and family dynamics, their relationship evolves as they confront their insecurities, cultural expectations, and ultimately discover a deep love and mutual respect that transcends their differences.