In this exciting story, follow a cheetah named Yarra, who escapes from Kafue National Park and a boy named Paul Jeremiah Anderson or PJ, who decides to escape from school and the police during a thunderstorm.
PJ's escape is motivated by his wish to live life on his own terms, away from school and his grandparents. He prefers living in towns and cities where he can easily find things he needs, like food, money, and entertainment.
Despite the risks and challenges ahead, PJ stays focused on his goal of freedom and wants to clear up any misunderstandings that led to his escape.
Accompanied by an escaped cheetah, PJ faces the authorities with courage and resourcefulness, trying his best to avoid being caught and keep his freedom until his mother returns from South Africa.
Until then, PJ and the cheetah are determined to live life their way and not let anything stand in their ways.
Time For A Little Surprise (Male Seelkadoom Reader x Fem Sonic IDW Comics)
74 parts Ongoing
74 parts
After your defeat, Sonic decided to spare you.You became something of a anti-hero like Shadow and help them on their adventures.The mad doctor now has a new plan, let us see where that takes you