In a powerful and intimate memoir, Jackie Hance shares her story of unbearable loss, darkest despair,and-slowly,painfully and miraculously-her cautious return to hope and love.
Until the horrific train accident on New Yorks Taconic State Parkway that took the lives of her three beloved young daughters,Jackie Hance was an ordinary Long Island mom,fulfilled by the joyful chaos of a household bustling with life and chatter and love. After the tragedy,she was the "Taconic Mom," whose unimaginable loss embodied every parents worst nightmare. Suddenly,her lifelong Catholic faith no longer explained the world. Her marriage to her husband, Warren was ravaged by wrenching grief and recrimination. Unable to cope with the unfathomable, she reinvented reality each night so that she woke each morning forgorten the heart breaking facts: that Emma, age 8; Alyson, age 7; and Katie age 5 were gone forever. They were killed in a minivan driven by their aunt, Jackies sister-in-law,Diane Schuler