In the heart of Harrisburg, a small city filled with charm, a little boy named Devan embarked on a journey of growth amidst his bustling family. Anchored by the warmth of his grandmother, Phapi, and the playful companionship of his younger brother, Ryan, their household resonated with the harmony of their Christian faith. Sundays were sacred, marked by their pilgrimage to the church, where their spirits soared in unison. However, life's ever-turning wheel spun tales of joy and sorrow, where laughter intertwined with tears, weaving a tapestry of memories that shaped Devan's tender heart. Through the highs and lows, the resilience of family bonds illuminated the path forward, reminding us all of the enduring power of love and kinship.The lifes of the family members change because of the boy's sexuality. His grandmother and mother died at the same time, his grandmother died of a heart attack and mother of Aids.
At the age of 18, he recieved good news and bad news. The good news were he got 7 distinctions and the bad news were his father died, he felt from the ladder.
His step family threw him out of the house, as the story go deep, deep and deep the boy found out the cellars of secrets of his parents and the family