Greetings dear readers! This is my first ever poems book. And um I wrote these all based on my personal experiences. As you may journey through chapters of this book based on my life and events throughout. A little sprinkle of the chapters are fictional but nearly all are non-fiction straight from reality. Hopefully you will love this journey with me. Few of these poems are dedicated to my friends or based on their experiences/point of view. Most poems may contain heartbreak or sad feelings but still the majority of the poems are about love, happiness and positivity. I am so glad that I am in a better place now, looking back on my life just a while ago I was not the person I am today. With the help of people I love the most I have overcome everything I needed to dodge. If you are going through something difficult in life, please share it with someone whom you trust more than anything. Remember being happy & positive is what matters the most truly.
Love Y'all So Much.
With Love,