Hi im navy Lyn. I live with the cullens. They adopted me when I was 1. I don't know how they found me. They won't tell me. But it's ok. I love it here so far. We live in Alaska right now and it's a wonderful place. Well here's my life....(scroll down!) Also in this book all the cullens are cullens like roses like and jasper are cullens not hales. I ONLY OWN NAVY LYN CULLEN AND LUCAS CULLEN I WILL TRY TO POST A CHAPTER EVERYDAY. I THINK THERE WILL BE MAYBE OVER 60 CHAPTERS IM NOT SURE YET. If your anything like me and want to know what happens in the end scroll down if you do not do not scroll down. I'm not going to share the full thing but just so you know because I hate when I'm reading a book and something happens and I don't want to read it anymore. So if you want to know what happens scroll down SPOILER ALERT!!! In the end Jasper and navy do... GET MARRIED and... None of the cullens dies... there is still so much that happen and Jasper and navy's life read it to find out. Also desciddd to extend the book. Like after the war in breaking dawn part two. Just know in the end all the cullens live together and are very happy with their life. Including Edward Bella Renesme and Jacob. Seth and Leah follow them everywhere tho but they didn't live with the cullens. I didn't want Edward and Bella to Be away from his family and renesme snd Jacob to be split up so I decided they all live together with the rest of the cullens.(CC) Attribution-NoDerivs