In the bustling heart of India, fate takes a brutal turn on a crowded bus. Anu, a village girl yearning for a life beyond tradition, and Abhishek, a medical student buckling under societal pressure, find their worlds colliding in a heart-stopping accident. As dust settles and cries echo, a hidden magic awakens. Bound by an ancient locket, their destinies become intertwined. Every searing ache, every crushing disappointment - they feel it all, together. Anu's frustration with a life dictated by gender roles becomes Abhishek's burden. His academic anxieties become her sleepless nights. Can they unravel the mystery of the locket and break free from this shared pain, or will their connection become a beautiful prison, forever tethered to each other's wounds? "Bounded by Wounds" is a captivating story of love, empathy, and defying limitations, where a supernatural twist forces two souls to confront societal barriers and discover the extraordinary within the ordinary.
chief Swan had another daughter she was born 5 years ago with a one night stand. The girls mother, after finding out what was wrong with her daughter, left her on Charlie's doorstep at the age of 3. But with his job and forgetful daughter, he started to lose himself until a new family came to town and fell in love with the adorable 5 year old. Being adopted by the cullens after being asked by her father when he saw their first meeting.
I dont own Twilight or the characters they belong to the author, and I don't own the pictures they are off the Internet. I only made the oc. Character is also like dory.