In the captivating narrative of "Darling, My Enemy," the Campus President, Justin De Dios, crosses paths with the enigmatic student, Josh Cullen Santos, unknowingly entwined in a world where vampires roam hidden amongst mere mortals. Their conflicting personalities spark constant clashes, with each encounter fueling an underlying tension between them. Little does Justin realize that Josh harbors a deep and forbidden admiration for him, a sentiment concealed beneath the facade of their ongoing disagreements. However, Justin's attention lies elsewhere, captured by the mysterious figure of Aden. As the complexity of their dynamics unfolds, Josh's unwavering dedication to protecting Justin reveals the depth of his love and the extent to which he would go to safeguard the Campus President from the dangers that lurk in the shadows. A tale of unspoken desires, concealed identities, and the enduring power of love amidst unforeseen adversaries.