Playing in the forest behind his family's farm, the introverted thirteen-year-old Noah Thornton and his dog Chuck discover a golden chest with mysterious carvings hidden in the ground next to his favorite waterfall. More than just a buried treasure, the trunk takes Noah on a journey to a hidden realm where magic-filled indigenous tribes, known as The Twelve, still live as they have for centuries. The source of their magic is inside the very trunk Noah discovers, and the envy of the dark mystic Viruñas Wakinyan who wants nothing more than to see The Twelve destroyed. On his journey of self-discovery and exploration of this ancient world, Noah makes new, shape-shifting friends along the way as he learns the pain and suffering of those who walked the land before him. Joining the fight to help his friends and family, Noah learns secrets from the past that help him find his own strength, and his own identity. With twists and turns around every corner, THE ANCIENT WATERFALL spins a web of intricate stories over many generations. Filled with magic and mystery, tradition and treachery, the past and present collide in an extraordinary journey of fantasy and excitement. Noah's fate, the fate of The Twelve, and the fates of countless others dangle at the cascading edge of The Ancient Waterfall.