In a bustling urban landscape filled with towering skyscrapers, "SparkleCorp" stands as a beacon of corporate success. At its helm is Poppy Springblossom, intricately linked to the company's fortunes through her arranged marriage to Creek Clearwater, whose emotional distance grows more palpable with each passing day. When Poppy receives a journal from her closest friend, Smidge Willhight, it becomes her haven for documenting the complexities of her marriage with Creek. The journal serves as a therapeutic outlet, allowing her to express her thoughts and experiences in a private space. As Poppy notices Creek's frequent absences from home, she and Branch, her high school ex-boyfriend and former private investigator, begin a covert investigation into his whereabouts. However, their collaboration inadvertently stirs up old romantic feelings, posing a risk of disruption not just to their personal lives but also to the intricate workings of "SparkleCorp."
Throughout The Days Of Trollstopia, Tiny Diamond Has Been Going Through A Identity Crisis. Sometimes He Can Be Cool, Sometimes A Troublemaker, And Sometimes Can't Seem To Fit In. Suddenly, Tiny Diamond Gets Captured And Taken To A Far Away Kingdom Of Colorful Creatures, And Learns That He Is A Legendary Ruler Of The Kingdom. Knowing Tiny Is Missing, Poppy, Branch, Barb, Guy Diamond And The Rest Of The Trolls Set Out To Find Him. But When That Backfires And The Trolls End Up Locked Up In The Far Away Kingdom, The Trolls Must Escape And Tiny Must Decide What He Wants To Be, A Legendary Ruler Or Part Of The Troll Family.
Art And Book Cover By @OpefuLee
Soundtrack On YouTube! (Link To Channel In Bio)