13 parts Ongoing Kian, a teenager who joins Hudson High School in Burlington mid-year, initially raises suspicious among his peers. A trio of curious teens, Aura, Arika and Divit, befriend him despite Aura's lingering doubts about Kian.
As they grow closer, they discover that Kian is not an ordinary teenager; he possess a unique quality that sets him apart and hints at a connection to a hidden world unknown to most. Kian himself remains uncertain about this mysterious link, but it is evident that something extra ordinary ties him to this enigmatic realm.
As Kian navigates his new reality, he grapples with uncertainty surrounding his identity, beginning a quest to unravel the mystery shrouding his existence.
While, Aura takes on the challenge of unravelling the mystery surrounding his identity. Along the way, she makes a starling discovery about herself.