The story is a science fiction adventure about a young woman named Eira who embarks on a journey to explore seven mysterious circles that appeared on a distant world known as Jxtube. She is joined by other travelers who have stumbled upon the circles and together they discover that each circle is a portal to a different world. Their travels take them to distant planets where they encounter strange creatures and landscapes. However their travels do not go unnoticed as they awaken an evil entity that is lurking in the shadows waiting to strike. Eira and her companions must find a way to stop this malevolent force from spreading and save the universe from destruction. Along the way they discover that the circles are not just accidental occurrences but a carefully planned creation of an advanced civilization that existed eons ago. With the help of an AI program designed by the ancient civilization they defeat the malevolent force and bring balance to the universe. Eira returns to Jxtube a changed person with a sense of wonder and appreciation for the universe's mysteries knowing that there is still so much more to discover.
5 parts