Rea Jane Smith is 19 years old. Rea's family are a small one at that. she has her mum who is a drunk and her dad who is a pimp and her two older brothers Fabien and Grith are drug dealers. Rea loves books she lives in the library she works in the library her bedroom is like a mini library. Rea believes in fairy tales she also hates her family and wants nothing to do with them. James 'spider' stoneheart is aged 20. he owns half of the town where they all live. he is an only child and his mother died 4 years ago. James is coved in tattoos he gets his nick name from the big spider on his neck. he is your topical bad boy but he's really a sweetheart. ###&&&&&------_------_-------_-----------–----------_--------_-----------------&&&&&&### hope you enjoy. vote comment. keep reading Xxxx