Shanaya Kapoor a dedicated and cheerful doctor, finds herself navigating the chaos of a wedding reception as part of her on-call duties. Her sunny disposition contrasts sharply with Aarav Desai , the grumpy CEO of a prominent company, who is only attending the wedding out of obligation. When a minor accident leads to an unexpected hospital visit for Aarav, Shanaya's professional expertise and kindness leave a lasting impression on him.
As fate continues to intertwine their lives, the grumpy CEO and the sunshine doctor find themselves drawn to each other in ways neither anticipated. With each encounter, their initial differences begin to dissolve, revealing deeper connections and unexpected chemistry. From chance meetings at local markets to the bustling world of business and healthcare, Shanya and Aarav's journey is a blend of humor, heartfelt moments, and the promise of something more.
Join Shanya and Aarav as they navigate the unpredictable world of love, proving that sometimes the most unlikely pair can create the perfect match.But then something happens between them? A conflict? Misunderstanding? What not?? Will they end up together?
Shanya and Aarav must navigate the complexities of love, trust, and personal discovery to find out if their unlikely connection can withstand the ultimate test.