--PERTINACIOUS:- being tenacious/It describes someone who doesn't easily give up and remains steadfast in their beliefs or actions.
---Emmorie's: Vivid memories of a certain experience that you'll carry in your head for years until they're casually disputed by someone who remembers it very differently; memories
Pertinacious Emmorie's: Persistently holding onto memories/ experiences/ until someone who remembers the experience differently disrupts your perspective.
In a world full of power, the world we know today, your status, worth, and life in its entirety, is decided based of the amount of 'power' you have. Before quirks, it was currency, before currency it was strength.
For as long as time there has and will be, something to decide your worth and how breezy you'll slide through life. Right now, it's heroes. They decide whether you're worth their time, their efforts, and best of all, whether you're worth saving.
Reality check ✔️ it's everyone for themselves now, be to it that your weak or strong, regardless, you have a window, as does everybody. Once your window is closed, the light fades, or in other words, the care. Having experience someone's window closing, your light closes with it.
People don't care until it's them or it's entertaining them on TV or in a magazine. Well, watch this, and mark my words. He will see the light again, no matter what. I'll let the world burn, if that's what it takes, because in the end. He WON'T be burning with it.
My question to you is:
In a world full of the corrupt, of having these Pertinacious Emmories, will you give in or hold steadfast to your beliefs?
*****Love interests undecided. Leave requests in comments to have a shot at the final decision****
I DON'T own BNHA. I DO own this book, OC characters in this book, and anything differentiating from the original anime that's in this book.
This story talks and revolves heavily around very sensitive topics such as; abuse, rape, cheating, death, depression, anxiety, PTSD, self-harm, and abandonment. There are a few more other than the ones listed, but if any of those can cause you mental instability or to spiral down into a panic or anxiety attack I advise you not to read this story. You have been warned.
Extra Story Details:
At age 16 people get their redstring(s) to their soulmate(s). They can write on their skin and it will show up on their soulmate's(s') skin aswell. If one soulmate gets hurt, the other(s) will feel a small tinge on where the injury is, and a soulmark aswell {example: star, heart, etc.} Colors: Red-Normal, Black-Cut string, White-Other died
Hanahaki Disease:
Being the result of one-sided love, Hanahaki makes the victim cough or puke out flowers in the color(s) of their love interests' hair. If the love insterest doesn't love them back before it's too late the victim will stop breathing due to the flowers in their lungs. The only way to get rid of the disease without the love interest returning the feelings would be the victim getting them surgically removed, resulting in them loosing their emotions entirely.
Star Tears:
Another result of one-sided love, much like the Hanahaki. However the person will cry star shaped tears that make twinkling noises when hitting the ground. This is not removable, meaning the only way to stop the victim from going blind would be for the love interest to love them back.
Copyright: I do not own My Hero Academia or any of it's cannon characters. The only thing I own is the story, and additional characters.