"Our Last Goodbye?" unfolds in Bamberg, where Iris, isolated due to her unique sixth finger, finds solace in her parents' love until Lily, a new neighbor, arrives. Their friendship blooms through childhood and teenage years, marked by shared struggles and growth. When tragedy strikes Lily, Iris grapples with profound grief and unexpressed emotions, leading to a journey of self-discovery and resilience. The story navigates themes of friendship, love, and the impact of loss, culminating in a poignant exploration of human connections amidst adversity.
This book is a compilation of random scribbles of thoughts left unsaid with the passing of time. There are some of us who are lost for words, haunted by the things we could've said to the people we lost, for the people who became part of our lives. We can still talk without speaking and ━ that's through bleeding ink on your paper.