In an alternate reality, Earth-5189, Christopher J. Kingsley was a cold-hearted, sadistic teenager who lost both his parents, as well as his Uncle Samuel and Aunt Martha. The Sinister Six (excluding Doctor Octopus) were responsible for killing Samuel and Martha Kingsley, and because of this, he thirsted for vengeance. His old friends-Yomi, Max, Peter, Jason, Rei, Caelus, Mars 7th, Misha, Zane, Blaine, Issei, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Rias-removed him from their group due to his sadistic attitude towards other villains and bad guys. Christopher viewed his friends as the real traitors. One day, as he was returning home, a Cybertronian stasis pod landed in the park. He ran to it and saw Bumblebee close to shutting down. He offered him an Autonex Core but was followed by a dark-spark Cybertronian. The dark spark spoke to him and sensed his thirst for vengeance. He accepted its offer, and the spark merged into his body. He had a new name, The Dark Bumblebee. And as a result, he decided to form his own team with the villains, naming it the Ominous Squad. Christopher gathered many formidable villains for his team, driven by his insatiable desire for revenge.
6 parts