Title: Demon Hunter's Heir
Born into nobility as the son of Siegfried Marques and Christina Hayden, Blake's life seemed destined for greatness. However, fate had other plans. Kidnapped at the tender age of five, Blake's world was turned upside down. After a series of harrowing events, he was adopted by a seasoned demon hunter who taught him the art of combat and survival. Now fifteen, Blake is a skilled demon hunter, driven by a burning desire to protect the innocent and avenge the wrongs done to him.
Blake is smart, sarcastic, blunt, yet kind-hearted, with a fiery temper that fuels his relentless pursuit of what he believes is right . His passion lies in crafting weapons, training rigorously, and fighting demons. Despite the trauma of his past, He harbors a deep disdain for demons, hypocrites, and those who exploit others.
Join Blake on his journey as he navigates the treacherous world of demon hunting, grapples with his past, and discovers the true meaning of family and strength.
Hikari, formerly trained as an assassin, learns to grow as a ninja. Hikari tries to get skilled in order to avenge the death of his parents. However for some reason most of his memories are blocked off, but still has a clear drive to get stronger.
As Hikari advances he finds friends with great power and goals of their own. Sinha, a caring and shy boy harboring a hell demon within his body. Rozu, a skilled sword user. Finally a sweet and pretty girl named Yosei, who has history with Hikari, in which he cannot remember.
While Hikari achieves greater heights in power, he discovers a power within himself. A sacred deity spirit who Hikari was named after "Hikari-Deus" a dragon made of pure light, spirit similar to Sinha's demon.
Hikari is soon targeted by the killer of his parents. A familiar face shows, but Hikari cannot remember who he is seeing. Hikari duels it out with this mystery man going by the name Hades, and discovers chilling memories.
Genre: Fantasy/Action/Romance