Arashi Himura, the younger brother of Kenshin Himura, is a samurai like his older brother, but as they get discharged from the war, they roam from town to town on a boat, looking to find solitude and make a life they never got to live. While traveling through a village in Kyoto, the two meet a girl named Kaoru Kamiya, who happened to live just in the village, thinking they could finally escape the harsh reality of the world. When they finally got there, they would help out Kaoru with her deceased father's dojo, and live the life they want to have, but Arashi would meet another girl named Megumi Takani, unknown to him was the enemy's prisoner, wanting a way out of their grasp. Megumi, taking a liking to Arashi the first time she sees him, starts to trust him and confess to Arashi about her past with them and over time, Takani actually starts to fall for Himura. The question is, do they start to see each other as more than friends?All Rights Reserved
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