The story centers around Francis Bayne, a modern man who dies and finds himself transmigrated into the world of a novel he had been reading. He inhabits the body of Clifford Hildae, the primary antagonist of the novel, who is destined to suffer a miserable fate.
Determined to avoid the tragic end awaiting Clifford Hildae, Francis Bayne uses his knowledge of the novel's plot to alter events. His goal is to survive and have a better fate, but this proves challenging as he navigates relationships with various characters, especially with the novel's protagonist, Cole Kertney. Cole Kertney, who initially seems to be a pitiful, bullied elementary classmate of Clifford Hildae, turns into a powerful hero.
In this book, you'll get a behind the scenes look at how your favorite characters were born, my creative process, and the dirty details never before revealed.
Tex's Camp Q&A: Come sit by the fire and ask me whatever you'd like. We can roast marshmallows, tell scary stories, and hang out in the comments like a big, happy family.
Gator's Backstage Pass: A place full of secrets. Learn the-sometimes embarrassing-details on how my wildest scenes came to life, facts about the characters, the process, and myself.