In the quiet town of Ridgewood, 19-year-old college student Fyodor Billington leads a double life. By day, he attends classes and blends in with his peers. But by night, he transforms into Fyo, a heroic ninja wielding the power of wind. His mission? To protect Ridgewood from a dangerous underworld
As Fyo faces formidable foes, he discovers that his destiny is intertwined with ancient prophecies and hidden legacies. Can he balance college life, ninja duties, and the weight of his powers? Only time will tell in this thrilling tale of courage, mystery, and wind-blown over the top action!
A million dollar bounty, underground assassins, torture-it's all in a days work for assassin Jessie Wright.
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Molded into an assassin by the one who killed her parents, Jessie defies orders and goes rogue. Now with a bounty on her head, her only chance of survival may be with a man who's reputation is worse than her own.
Violence, Assault, Swearing.