This story focuses on Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, and this AU is where they go to a highschool called Fortuna High. The rest of class 1A is here, but they are second years so it is 2A. There is no quirks in this AU, but the main things in the og story still stand, but under normal circumstances. (for example, Todoroki was still a result of an arranged marriage, and Yaomomo is still rich lol) Please enjoy! (also angst warning and some self harm MIGHT take place - There will also be drug use in this story, so if you're against that please don't read. ) Included ships- Izuocha, Tokoasui, Kirimina, and so on. The villains are not actually bad people in this AU, just delinquents that are aged down and also go to the school. Leave any questions in the comments or DM me❤️