Hawkkit is a slightly autistic, shy, funny, goofy, loyal, and strong Tom-kit. His parents, Stormfang and Cootspring, are slightly abusive towards him. He has two, moon older brothers, Woodenkit and Branchkit. Hawkkit is only a moon younger because he was born late. He has a friend named Frostkit, who is about the same age as him.
There are six clans, the three allies, Tundraclan, Cavernclan, Mountainclan, Tundraclan; Driftstar, Cavernclan; Daisystar, and Mountainclan; Badgerstar. Waterfallclan; Cedarstar. Lagoonclan; Ebonystar. And lastly, three clans that hade to combine because they were nearly dead, Duneclan; Tornstar.
Deputys!: Tundraclan; Stormfang, Cavernclan; Roseblaze, Mountainclan; Brindlefrost, Waterfallclan; Briarfang, Lagoonclan; Plumblaze, and Duneclan; Shadowvine.
Meds; Tundraclan; Skunktail, Cavernclan; Thistlefeather, Mountainclan; Adderbriar, Waterfallclan; Muddyleaf, Lagoonclan; Goosewillow, and Duneclan; Hailsplash.
There are a large group of rogues, and they steal prey from the clans, although the clans aren't sure of who it is, and blame each other.