In the first book, "The Prophecy of Olympus," we follow Daniel, a young demigod who discovers his heritage at Camp Half-Blood, a sanctuary for children of gods. As he learns of an ancient prophecy foretelling a looming darkness, Daniel embarks on a perilous quest. Alongside his companions-Ella, daughter of Athena; Marcus, son of Hephaestus; Selene, daughter of Artemis; and Theo, son of Poseidon-Daniel journeys across mythical landscapes, from Delphi to Mount Olympus. They confront harrowing trials, decipher prophecies, and battle monsters to retrieve an artifact crucial to their quest. Ultimately, they must face Erebus, a primordial force threatening to unleash chaos upon the world. Through courage, teamwork, and the guidance of gods and allies, Daniel and his friends triumph, forging new bonds and preparing for future challenges.
All characters and rights belong to Rick Riordan.
Chaos and his wife have to hide their two kids on earth with the Olympians. They think they are save but when the whole thing with the prophecies is going to happen even they have to help. Thalia and Percy are brother and sister children of Chaos and raised on Olympus until they are sent to Camp Half Blood. They don't even realize that they are two of the most powerful people in the universe and it had to be kept that way. They think that they are the children of Zeus and Poseidon but have the same mom. What will happen when someone finds out the truth. How will there participation in the great prophecies happen and what will change.