it was the moment before I reached my door step when Theo dropped me off home from our fist date. As my foot hit The top step Theo yelled out see you in a week and as I heard those words come towards me my body shook getting ready to say something but I didn't and just walked in the house and waved goodbye out the window.At that moment my body hung down as if I was a zombie.I walledy way up stairs as I thought I saw my cat up stairs but I guess it was my mind at that point I hadn't seen my cat anywhere so I called out her name tinkie tinke where are you. My mind was thinking of that my mom could have took her with her or she ran away I didn't really care so I told in my room thinking about Theo and where he was going cause he never would tell meso I completely ignored him him I would ask. But at moments I think he might be cheating on me but I try not to think about that stuff. So I ly in my bed staring at the ceiling as I get more and more sleepier then I fall asleep.
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