Harry and his mates are a group of odd teens who don't fit in with the other students and are frowned upon by most teachers. Despite their struggles at school, they wish to make the best out of their days. Unfortunately, this often leads to more trouble, as they are yet to learn to control their mischievous spirits and boyish curiosity.
Their teacher, Mr Haston, is a man in his 50s with a caustic personality and a split reputation among his students and colleagues. He has recently taken it upon himself to mentor a freshly graduated teacher - Mr Nicholson. He is a naive and good-natured young man who is reluctant to adopt the traditional, strict methods. Some students take advantage of this, which is a problem he isn't ready to acknowledge and solve, not without the guidance of his seasoned colleague, anyway.
Together, they are simply trying to make it through their time at boarding school in the 1970s.
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This fictional story includes scenes of corporal punishment of teenagers in a traditional scholastic setting.
It also depicts attitudes and beliefs that would be considered improper and ignorant today & describes disabilities, MH and trauma from an outdated perspective.
In Paper school, the new literature teacher, Mr or Sir Straight, was viewed as a really strict and perfectionist man. The others though this British, 8'7 teacher is normal and all, correcting grammar there and then, until a student failed his class....
Warning: I don't own Fpe! Please go onto YouTube, and watch the music video first to know the characters.