Dragon Ball: Universal Salvation
In a universe where peace reigns supreme, a dark shadow emerges from the depths of time. Baby, a parasitic menace from a bygone era, returns with a vengeance, empowered by years of clandestine training. His sights set on the omnipotent Grand Priest, the guardian of balance, Baby corrupts him, unleashing a wave of chaos upon the multiverse.
Earth's mightiest warriors - Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Broly - rise to the challenge, surpassing their limits to achieve unimaginable power. Goku ascends to the form of the Universal Super Saiyan, his spirit fused with the collective energy of the multiverse.
In a climactic battle, the Universal Super Saiyan confronts the corrupted Grand Priest, unleashing a torrent of godlike power. The fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance as the forces of good and evil clash in a spectacular display of martial arts prowess.
With unwavering determination, Goku triumphs, vanquishing Baby and restoring balance to the cosmos. The heroes are hailed as saviors, their names etched in the annals of galactic history. Peace prevails, but the universe remains vigilant, knowing that darkness can always resurface. And when it does, Earth's defenders will be ready to face it, their spirits unyielding, their power ever-growing.