Alhamdullah for being an African, a beautiful continent blessed with plenty of abundant natural resources.
Despite being proud, yet Africa is blessed with some wicked mind individuals and greedy leaders.
Egoism, Ignorance, Homsexulaity Neo-colonialism, Hypocrisy, Dishonest in relationships, poverty make the blessed Africa loosing it's beauty. Turning into a scary place, and a puzzling one.
Though life in Africa is stressful and obey Lamarck's inheritance theory, sometimes you need to atleast laugh once per week. Because, too much worries and seriousness is harmful.
This poetry book tries to explain the problems in Africa, and I ask Allah insha'Allah all Africans to achieve mind freedom'. since, "the first slavery begins with mind, and the first freedom begins with mindset ".
This poetry book is divided into five Categories:-
1. Cultural troubles.
2. Social troubles.
3. Economic &Political troubles.
4. Funny.
5. Motivation & Inspiration.
" Allah save Africa, I humbly pray. Amiiin".