One fateful day, a young woman named Ostrava, who just got out of school, accidentally stumbles into a hidden dimension filled with anomalies-places where the laws of physics bend and reality twists unpredictably. Lost and bewildered, she encounter beings with extraordinary abilities and encounter bizarre phenomena that defy explanation. As she strive to find a way back to her own world, she forms unlikely alliances with inhabitants of this anomalous realm, each possessing unique powers shaped by the very anomalies that define their existence. Together, they embark on a perilous journey through shifting landscapes and surreal encounters, all while grappling with the realization that her presence in this world may not have been entirely accidental. As she unravel the secrets of the anomalies, she uncover a deeper connection between her own world and this strange dimension, leading to profound discoveries about the nature of reality itself.
Chapters will be in English, Chinese or croatian, based on what I want.
Inspired by the backrooms.
Ana Weasley je cura koja krece u hogwarts sa svojih 15, no sto ce se desiti kada Ana upozna ljubav svog zivota. Dali je to zapravo ljubav njenog zivota?