Macarena Ferreiro, aspirante architetto, attribuisce all'attraente Zulema Zahir la colpa di aver dovuto rinunciare ad un'importante borsa di studio, l'occasione della sua vita. Zulema, per rimediare, le propone di fingersi la sua fidanzata per qualche mese, dietro compenso, affinché lei possa riprendere gli studi e laurearsi. Questo strano accordo però avrà risvolti inaspettati..
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Kiss Kiss,
"We can't do this." I whisper as our lips re-connect, a tingling fire surging through my body as his hands ravage unexplored lands; my innocence dissipating away with every peck he trails down my neck.
"I know we can't. That's why it's so exciting." He replies through kisses. His effortless charm intoxicates me; drowning me; hunting me; devouring me.
"What if my brother finds out?" The perpetuated patter of the rain unable to subdue my groan as he digs his nails deeper into my skin.
"Who cares."
Welcome to my story, where an innocent boy finds a not so innocent boy in his bed; where they do not so innocent things.