Kana, Akari, Aiko, and Himari, along with their quirky pets, find themselves in a strange and magical hotel filled with bizarre adventures, supernatural mysteries, and endless food. The group discovers peculiar "growth potions" tailored to their personalities and pets, which accidentally lead to their animals growing enormous and causing delightful chaos. Despite the mayhem, the hotel offers the girls a mix of thrilling amusement park attractions, delicious buffets, and moments of bonding.
However, the hotel hides darker secrets. The mysterious Daisuke, the eccentric hotel manager, reveals cryptic hints about a sinister figure called Mr. Hedgehog, or as Akari jokingly dubs him, Mr. Snuggle Wuggle Ding Dong. This villain is a stealer of Zodiac powers, and his presence seems to manifest ominous black mist and storm clouds. As the girls navigate the surreal and magical environment, they're forced to balance their carefree fun with uncovering the growing threat looming over them.
With humor, teamwork, and their bond as best friends, the girls face magical mishaps, battle strange creatures, and explore the boundaries of their courage and trust in one another-all while navigating their own unique personalities and quirks. As danger builds, their adventure turns into a test of their loyalty, quick thinking, and ability to protect the Zodiacs, their pets, and each other from the forces of chaos.
╰┈➤Your family was killed and your best friend, Douma, was turned into a demon by Muzan. Urokodaki found you and Douma and decided to take you in and help you.
Will your bonds grow stronger as you strive to find the cure for your bestfriend/crush?
✎Started: February 21, 2021
✎Ended: May 9, 2021