This short story focuses on the life of Samantha Curtis, Ponyboy's twin sister and the only girl in her gang, The Greasers. Her three brothers are also in the gang, as well as four other boys, whom she also considers family. Samantha does not having a mother figure in the house, much less a father figure, and the lack of materialism leaves her on her own most of the time when it comes to "girl talk". This novel specifically focuses on one scenario, in which Sam (Samantha), is becoming more independent and less of a little girl. This independence and change creates obstacles in terms of relationships with the gang, due to their over protectiveness and toughness. You'll find on a specific instance where the gangs' overprotectiveness cause a huge confrontation. Hope you enjoy!
Everybody thought it was just the Braxton brothers who arrived in the Bay, but little do they know that a rebellious girl will arrive to join the riverboys . Is the Summer Bay going to change this girl or will she change the Bay.