Plot 65 million years ago, the immensely powerful Warfare Tribe Druidon reigned over Earth. The tribe abandoned the planet when a gigantic meteor approached, vowing that they would return as the rulers of the world again as they headed into space. The Ryusoul Tribe who battled against the Warfare Tribe Druidon stayed on Earth, along with their dinosaur companions, the Kishiryu. The Ryusoul Tribe withstood the ice age brought on by the gigantic meteor. They placed their Kishiryu companions into the RyuSouls and sealed them in temples throughout the world. Time has moved on and the Warfare Tribe Druidon has returned after fighting in harsh environments across space, totally increasing their powers. The Ryusoul Tribe that kept the Earth safe in the past has selected new knights: the Ryusoulgers. They have been revived by their mission as the battle against the Warfare Tribe Druidon begins. Transformation Devices/Sidearms Ryusoul Changer ◆◆◆◆◆ Ryusoul Ken ◆◆◆◆◆ Mosa Changer ◆ Gaisoul Ken ◆ Max Ryusoul Changer ◆ Ryusoul Calibur ◆◆◆ Multi-Use Devices RyuSouls ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ Individual Weapons and Team Weapon Mosa Breaker ◆◆ Mosa Changer ◆ Mosa Blade ◆ Other Devices. Cast: A'quir Vanderberg As King Diago A.K.A Dino Knight Red, Jaidon Gregg As Apex Davenport A.K.A Dino Knight Blue, Melina Cswaykus As Luna Rock A.K.A Dino Knight Pink, Liam Christman As Chase Stark A.K.A Dino Knight Green, Joshua McCreary As Nova Star A.K.A Dino Knight Black. Hailee Lombardo As Daisy A.K.A Void Knight. Madison Starnes As Mishima Films The New Void Knight.
15 parts