In the heart of Kashmir, nestled among the mesmerizing Himalayas, lies a land where the mountains call to those seeking solace, purpose, and a renewed sense of self. "Tales From Kashmir" is a collection of short stories that explore the transformative journeys of individuals who find themselves drawn to this enchanting region.
Each story delves into the lives of people who have been lost-whether in grief, disillusionment, or the chaos of modern life-and who come to Kashmir in search of meaning.
Through encounters with the locals, the beauty of the land, and the ever-present mountains, they each uncover profound truths about themselves. The mountains, with their silent wisdom and timeless presence, serve as a backdrop for healing and self-discovery.
A WOSO Oneshot book
Oneshots of favourite Women's footballers
Mainly the Lionesses, Arsenal Women's team,Chelsea Women's team, Man City Women's team and Man Utd Women's team