The story takes place during 4th year where the Triwizard Tournament was about to begin at Hogwarts school of magic. There the girl who lived known as Rose Potter whose parents were still alive and well except they were keeping something secret to their daughter for years and she doesn't know of it until this day. Years ago after Rose was a year old, the Potters had another child who was the older brother of Rose and during the day when Voldemort came things changed. Everyone though that Rose destroyed him but it was really her brother who defeated him but no one cared for him nor talked to him in years because they were so focused on the girl who lived. One day the brother was taken away from his family and put with his magical muggle hating relatives who treated him like shit and abused him for years until they left him in the middle of dessert to die on a field trip. But what everyone doesn't know is that the brother of Rose Potter survived but his human body was destroyed but not his soul and magic. In the desert before he almost died, the brother found a giant metal man whose soul was long gone and the brother took it upon himself to transfer his soul and magic to this new body and now he became something that will bring those who destroyed his life to hell starting with the dark lord and his followers and then lastly the ones who abandoned him. He found other metal giants and revived them and now they follow their new leader.
7 parts