In the picturesque town of Brookhaven, nestled between rolling hills and verdant forests, two boys grew up as the fiercest of rivals and the closest of friends. Liam, with his striking blue eyes and confident demeanor, was the golden boy of their small community. Ethan, equally charismatic with his dark hair and determined spirit, matched Liam in every contest, from spelling bees to sports.
Their rivalry began on the first day of kindergarten, a simple challenge on the playground that sparked a lifelong competition. As they grew, their contests became more intense, each boy pushing the other to new heights. Yet, beneath the surface of their rivalry lay a bond forged in mutual respect and unspoken affection.
As they navigated the tumultuous waters of adolescence, their feelings became more complex. Liam, oblivious to the deeper currents beneath their rivalry, saw Ethan as his greatest challenger and dearest friend. Ethan, however, harbored a secret that weighed heavily on his heart. For years, he had nurtured a deep, unspoken love for Liam, a love that grew stronger with each passing day.
In their final year of high school, with the future looming large, the boys faced their biggest challenge yet. As they prepared to part ways for college, Ethan struggled with the decision to reveal his feelings. The fear of losing Liam as a friend battled with the hope of something more.
This is the story of Liam and Ethan, two rivals who pushed each other to greatness, and the hidden truth that could change their lives forever. As they race towards their future, will they find the courage to face their true feelings? Or will their rivalry keep them apart, leaving the truth buried in the past?
⋆˙⟡♡ #1- indian
#1- marriage
"शायद एक दिन मुझमें इतनी हिम्मत होगी कि मैं ये सब छोड़ दूं... या शायद मैं हमेशा उसकी ज़िन्दगी में तारा की जगह भरती रहूंगी, पर कभी उसके दिल में नहीं।"
Rhea was just a replacement of her beautiful sister Tara , who ran away the day of her wedding to the famous buisnessman of india "AAKASH CHAUHAN SINGHANIA" who loved Tara .
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"The day Tara returns, I'll have to pack my bags and go. That's all he's ever promised me-a temporary place, like a guest overstaying her welcome. But now... now, there's someone else. Someone , innocent, clinging to life inside me. A part of him, a part of me."
" just six weeks, and this secret already feels like it's pulling me apart. I carry his child, yet he can't even remember the night that made this happen. Does he even know how deeply that hurts? Or would he even care?"
"I wonder if he'd notice if I told him... if his expression would change, or if he'd simply look past me, the way he always does. Would he feel anything for the child, or would he see it as just another mistake-another unwelcome consequence of his tie to me?"
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will she ever get the place she dreamt off , or she will just a replacement?
, i I won't let you steal yourself from me nor will i let you live with anyone happily
Want heart? I will give you my heart, if you want my life, take that too, but never talk about leaving me, my love.
Otherwise I will be with you even after death. In your dreams, in your mirror, in your nightmares, in your body, in your soul.
Because that too is mine, isn't it?
So all I had to say was don't let anyone