Dinner. He was having dinner at the Nash-grant house. Where he could finally ask Bobby to properly put in a word with the chief, So that Buck could go back, so he could be happy again. Well it didn't go as he initially thought, more like drove him deeper into the gutter, with a stomach dropping pain making him want to just curl up and rot away until he was nothing left but a pile of bones, with no purpose besides to sit there, and honestly there really wouldn't be a difference in the two lifestyles seeming how right now Buck was left behind with everyone pushing him farther away as he tried to make his way back to the fire station. He looked at the small business card the lawyer had left. He didn't want to sue no, No he couldn't because surely suing was just going to make Bobby throw him back so far that honestly he may never find his way back. All he wanted was love and all he got was a stab in the back and a whole group of people who honestly hated him or maybe they were just following their captain which he couldn't blame them. Or maybe he could..All Rights Reserved