In this captivating tale of family, prophecy, and divine legacy, Poseidon, the god of the sea, faces a new chapter as he and his wife, Amphitrite, prepare for the birth of their long-awaited son, Percy. With the help of family and friends, including his siblings Hades, Hestia, and Demeter, Poseidon is filled with hope and pride as he gazes upon his newborn, whose sea-green eyes and calm demeanor hint at untapped power. However, joy quickly turns to concern when Hermes arrives with alarming news: a prophecy foretells that Percy will surpass Poseidon in strength, inciting the wrath of Poseidon's brother. Determined to protect his child from potential danger, Poseidon must navigate the tension within his family and the threats looming over Percy's future. As Amphitrite takes their son into hiding, the story unfolds with themes of love, loyalty, and the challenges of being a god in a world rife with prophecies and power struggles. Will Poseidon be able to safeguard his family and embrace the destiny that lies ahead for Percy?