Set before the events in Crisis Core, Rose LaBelle, a certain young girl who long dreamed of becoming SOLDIER to prove herself as radiant and worthy to everyone. She then sought in her dreams of her beliefs with the magical gift she had given before birth that she was so much more than just a person as she tries to fit in. But not just that, the visions of her past events and future, her illness with a cure unknown to be found, and a dangerous man, lord of his long fallen race who awakened from his slumber after Rose's birth and believes that she and her gift is the key of unleashing the most powerful dragon that will join him to destroy the planet and proclaim it as his own with his God. After hearing upon a land that is unheard of, known long ago as a sacred kingdom and is Rose's birthplace, the SOLDIER allies take on a mission to seek a mystery of mysterious mana magic that made the region, learn about the magical gift and agreements to generate mako reactors in the land. Rose will also find out who she really is in her heart, unaware of a threat that is coming to her as she learns friendship, teamwork, and the feeling what she felt for her childhood friend Sephiroth... love.
Rating: T
Genre: romance, drama, comedy, adventure, action, sci-fi, fantasy, hurt/comfort and angst
All characters and the games Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII - Reunion, Final Fantasy VII, and Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier (via Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis) do not belong to me. They all belong to SQUARE ENIX. However OC characters, and this story belongs to me. Art cover belongs to me as well. No copyright infringement is intended. Also, this story, illustrations, etc. is NOT to be sold for monetization in any kind! Thank you.
This story may contain spoilers from Crisis Core, Final Fantasy VII and The First Soldier! For those who haven't played all these, and/or some games, please be aware of any spoilers!
Thank you and enjoy the story!