"Fuck, amore, tell me its a lie. tell me its all bullshit." he says looking at me. Merda i never heard his voice so shaken up and.. fuck, broken.
"come on Valencia, tell me he's just eating shit, tell me he's begging for a bullet in his head. tell me hes lying goddamnit!" he yells knocking up all the torture tools he just prepared.
he froze for a second before he gently made his way towards me. even with his gentle movement i cant help but be aware of the situation and back away, even though i want to crush all the distance between us, i in large it.
he looked hurt, broken, played, lied to manipulated... hell, he looked crushed. but i couldn't help but notice theres no hatred or anger lingering in his eyes, nor his voice.
he kept making his way towards me, with each step i take back he takes two forwards until my back hits the hard black scratched up wall near the cell door.
Gianna Jane Picasso - the mafia princess slash next donna in line to inherit the biggest Italian mafia, well biggest italian mafia all until "The Gushers" as they like to call themselves, get surpassed by "The Vippers" they were not the slightest bit happy so they make a plan, so now she's left to go undercover as a babysitter in the Fabio mansion to get all the information they need so they can go back to being number one, but in order for him to not recognise her as the enemy mafias daughter, she goes under a fake name. Valencia alfonzo.
Ace Fabio Ricardo. - a cruel, emotionless mafia don. Who shows affection to no one but his 5 year old daughter, his mom, and his younger sister, if he had the chance. He always blames himself, If only he was faster, if only he didn't storm out of the house. Yet his world is turned upside down in both the best yet worst way possible when he meets and falls for someone who he thinks he doesn't truly kow, but he actually knew her and her story just not her name and family.