The story follows the Sharma family, seemingly perfect on the outside but struggling with a toxic marriage between Raj and Meera. Their constant arguments and silent treatments create a tense atmosphere for their two daughters, Aarohi and Siya. Aarohi, the responsible and studious elder daughter, tries to mediate and find solace in her academic success. Siya, the free-spirited younger daughter, escapes through her art and dancing.
The tension escalates when Raj and Meera decide to divorce, leaving Aarohi and Siya to cope in their own ways. Despite the initial chaos, the sisters grow closer, finding strength in their bond. Raj and Meera, committed to co-parenting amicably, attend therapy and work towards healing.
As time passes, Aarohi excels academically, earning a scholarship, while Siya gains recognition for her artwork. The family evolves from their once-perfect facade into a stronger, more honest unit, demonstrating resilience and the enduring power of love and family bonds.