there are some people in this world you just click with. you know, the people you feel like you've know forever after a month. the people you could talk to for hours on end without ever running out of things to say. the people you're comfortable being ugly and vulnerable around.
then there are people who are the complete opposite. you can't stand being around them, but you don't even know why. obviously, there are some people you dislike because they do stupid shit, but they're not the ones i'm talking about.
no, i'm talking about the people who makes your blood boil without actually doing anything. everytime they speak you want rip all of your hair out, only so you can shove it down their throat. you have issues with everything they do, but it's only because that spesific person is the one doing it. they breathe too loud and your day is ruined.
for aurora cameron, harry lewis is that person.
for harry lewis, aurora cameron is that person.
by that i mean, they absolutely hate each other. why? i couldn't tell you. neither could their friends, or anyone else around them for that matter. and if i'm being completely honest, i'm not sure they could tell you themselves either.
they just don't get along.
that's just how it is. that's how it always have been. and that's how it always will be.
at least that's what they think.