In a future where Earth teeters on the brink of collapse, Chandler and her friends-Liam, Erisa, Abraxes, and Trevor-prepare to leave their dying planet behind. Bound for distant colonies among the stars aboard the VECK, they face a journey fraught with challenges and uncertainties. As they navigate the vastness of space, they must confront their deepest fears, forge unbreakable bonds, and discover the true meaning of hope. Together, they embark on an odyssey that will test their resolve and reshape the destiny of humanity.
The Amazing Spider-Man of Young Justice (Season 1)
162 parts Ongoing
162 parts
After the death of Gwen Stacy, Peter hadn't had the courage to become a hero again.
Meanwhile, the Justice League were looking for a more experienced member to join the Young Justice and after the mysterious disappearance of Spider-Man, Batman assigns them to find and if possible, recruit him.
Spider-Man will need to learn how to be a team player after most of the time, his friends died because of it. He gains new friends, relationships, and love.
(This will be a mix of both Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Tobey's while still in high school)