Once upon a time, there was a girl named Elysia, whose stunning beauty captivated even the gods. Three powerful deities, hopelessly enchanted, descended to Earth disguised as humans to pursue her. This divine drama caused a tremendous uproar in the heavens, leading to their banishment and a death sentence for Titania. However, before she completely turned to ashes, she inexplicably gained the power of immortality. Wandering through centuries, she stirred up trouble wherever she went. To put an end to the chaos, the gods finally cast Elysia into an eternal sleep. Fast forward to the present, a mechanical system, searching for someone to fulfill old wishes and exact revenge, stumbles upon her. Believing Titania is perfect for the job, it uses its power to wake her up. The moment she opened her eyes, the system knew that the world would soon be at her mercy once again.